Tong Bei Quan Class 3

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Tong Bei Quan Class 3

Through The Back Fist | 少林通背拳

Code: TBQSYM03

Part One: Warm Up
Part Two: Foundation


  1. Forward Kick – Zheng Ti Tui
  2. Side Kick – Ce Ti Tui


  1. Rest stance with horse stance – Xie Bu + Ma Bu

Part Three: Form / Tao Lu

Tong Bei Quan Part Three

  1. Point stance – Gong Bu An Zhang with Dian Bu
  2. Two Flick kick with punch – 2 Cai Jiao Chong Quan 
  3. Bridge stance with double punch diagonally – Gong Bu Xie Shuang Chong Quan
  4. Rest stance and horse stance and block up and attack – Xie Bu Ma Bu Jia Da

Part Four: Warm down

Meditation X 1 minute

  • Level: Intermediate

  • Practice: Kung Fu

  • Teacher: Shi Yan Ming

  • Focus: Tong Bei Quan

  • Duration: 48:10

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