18 Luohan Hands Class 1

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Luohan Shi Ba Shou Class 1

Arhat 18 Hands | 少林罗汉18掌

Code: 18LHSYM01

Part One Warm Up

Part Two: Foundation

Kick ups
1. Zheng Ti Tui
2. Wai Bai Tui


1. Zheng Jia Shuang Tui Zhang

Part Three: Form / Tao Lu

1. Preparation – You Bei Shi
2. Bridge stance and double push – Gong Bu Shuang Tui Zhang
3. Empty stance block up and attack – Xu Bu Jia Da
4. Standing pray – Zhang Li He Shi
5. T stance and cut palm – Ding Bu Kan Zhang
6. Bridge stance and cut palm – Gong Bu Kan Zhang

Part Four: Warm down

  • Level: Beginner

  • Practice: Kung Fu

  • Teacher: Shi Yan Ming

  • Focus: 18 Luohan Hands

  • Duration: 41:33

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