Taizu Chang Quan Lesson 2

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Emperor Long Fist | 太祖长拳

Part One: Warm Up

Part Two: Foundation Technique


  1. Cloud hand – Yun Shou
  2. Bridge stance push heal of the palm – Gong Bu Tui Zhang Gen

Part Three: Form / Tao Lu

Tong Bei Quan Part Two

  1. Empty stance with lifting palm – Xu Bu Liao Zhang
  2. Bridge stance with forward and backwards punch  – Gong Bu Qian Hou Chong Quan
  3. Bridge stance with crossing palm – Gong Bu Jiao Cha Zhang
  4. Cloud hands – Yun Shou
  5. Bridge stance with back hand push – Gong Bu Fan Zhang
  6. Empty stance with stabbing palm – Xu Bu Cha Zhang
  7. Following stance with heal of palm push – Gen Bu Xia Tui Zhang
  8. Raising knee with fist block up – Ti Xi Jia Da
  9. Bridge stance punch upwards – Gong Bu Chong Tian Pao

Part Four: Warm down

Meditation X 1 minute

  • Level: Intermediate

  • Practice: Kung Fu

  • Teacher: Yanmin Chen

  • Focus: Taizu Chang Quan

  • Duration: 58:10

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